Monday, December 05, 2005

Shade of Blue (Proverbs 8:30-35)

Yesterday, I saw a shade of blue I’d never seen before, in the sky above the highway. It reminded me of Your great artistry, how You take the salty tears of men and blend in all the colors of Your passion for them, to create Your watercolor masterpieces I so often overlook. But I don’t want to overlook them anymore.

Every detail, every nuance; every shade of every color; all the blending harmonies are calling to my spirit. They all reflect a truer image of who You really are.

You were the craftsman at His side, filled with delight day after day. Rejoicing in His beauty, rejoicing in the world and delighting in me. I want to listen, I want to watch for You daily at Your door. Because I’ve found You, found Your favor and I don’t want to overlook You anymore

Lyrics by Matthew J. Hanlon

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